This episode is for all the SEO-heads. My guest Bill Sebald of Greenlane SEO brings massive insight into the world of agencies and working with medium to enterprise scale businesses (walk in any Mall and you’re likely to see at least a few of Greenlane SEO’s clients).
We talked about:
- The ONE thing that helped a billion dollar brand recover organic traffic to 100’s of thousands a visits per month – and trending higher than ever before.
- Top SEO ranking factors.
- The single quality of 10x content that matters most.
- The biggest mistake big brands make when it comes to SEO.
- The best type of links to get today.
- How Greenlane got a link from Mashable (and skyrocketed their traffic)
- Solving the reporting headache for agencies.
- Being honest with clients.
- How to get SEO the credit it deserves.
- The divide between artists and marketers.
By the way, I was trying a little experiment with my Podcast recording system/setup in this show. Perhaps a hint at some new format experiments for next year 🙂
This is a packed show – enjoy!!
Don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes!
- Greenlane SEO
- Screaming Frog (SEO Spider)
- John Mueller Interview
- Google Search Console
- Ahrefs Blog
- Prune Your Website for SEO (Moz Webinar)
- How to Create 10x Content
- SEMrush
- BuzzSumo
- AJ Kohn Interview
- Content Recall
- Moz Recommended SEO List
- Inbound Conference
- SEO Is an Experiment
- Are Your Analytics Telling the Right Story
- Zero Moment of Truth
- 99% Invisible Podcast
- Tim Ferris Interview James Altucher
Bill’s Background/Current Work
- “I’ve been in the SEO game 20 years.”
- “We’re (Greenlane SEO) like the band Asia of the SEO space.”
- “It’s like detective work … I missed my calling as Batman.”
- You need to educate everybody on the realities of SEO.”
- “We work with all sorts of brands … I’ve worked with over 100 e-commerce brands.”
Enterprise Client
- “The site’s pages and crawl can get swampy. I took a look at the log files.”
- “Take a look at where the bots are going and how frequently.”
- “They were definitely over a million pages.”
- “Within three months it was back on track.”
Finding Content Gaps
- “I go into SEMrush to find gaps.”
- “Look at client queries … “
- “If you want to 10X something, you need a good sense that it will thrive with the public.”
- “We can help a client write better content by guiding them while they deliver the expertise.”
- “Anticipate peoples’ questions.”
Relating SEO to Clients
- “They have assumptions about the success of tactics and immediate results.”
- “The way we can scale link building…I don’t think those tactics can work for large to mid-sized businesses.”
- “For most of our clients, we do monthly reporting.”
- “We don’t want to spend time pulling reports. We want to spend time analyzing reports.”
- “Clients love Google Sheets; they’re getting up-to-the-minute data.”
- “We don’t want to signup for results that we can’t achieve.”
- “SEO is responsible for a lot more than it gets credit for.”
- “I got my start in the music biz.”
- “You gotta do promotion … “
- “You have to build your brand if you’re going to promote your art.”
SEO Predictions
- “Google will keep going with Hummingbird, A.I., and Rankbrain.”
- “An SEO will become more of a marketer than a tactician.”
February 18, 2017
Told my first SEO client a few months back that am going to experiment with his money. Work out nicely. I would send him this episode(“Told you so! So many scammers out there!”), but he would just glaze over, I however was thoroughly entertained!
The first episode I listened to I was like this guy has a great intro/outro. Didn’t know that was your work. Do you have your music online by any-chance?
February 18, 2017
Dan Shure
Thanks Raphael! I sure do!
Used to do music professionally, but now just publish something a few times a year when I have a chance!