Dan builds his first websites by learning HTML and Dreamweaver.
Dan develops his website skills on the side for his various bands and music businesses – while making a living as a musician full time.
Dan marries Sarah (and future business partner!) on a quaint snowy December day in Vermont.
They move to Central Massachusetts which would later become the official location of Evolving SEO.
Dan learns (ok, hacks) some PHP / MySQL and builds some eCommerce websites from scratch (literally, with a text editor).
It’s at this time, he discovers SEO and starts incorporating it into all the websites he creates with great results.

Some of the websites he builds and manages are performing really well in search.
He helps a friend launch a now highly successful piano tuning business, and increases sales for his Dad’s sculpture reproduction company.

Dan also uses his piano lessons website to learn how to write, blog, build links, and earn affiliate revenue.
Growing tired of teaching piano lessons (which he has done for income since 1999) and driving 3 hours to work at his Dad’s studio, Dan is ready for a change.
He’s listening to the SEO 101 Podcast and a lightbulb goes off. People do this SEO thing … full time!
In late 2009 it was decided! He’ll quit teaching piano, quit driving 3 hours to his Dad’s – and do SEO full time.
Dan continues to take website jobs, but incorporates more and more SEO focus into them.
He lands his first official “SEO only” clients, and achieves immediate success.

In December 2010, this domain – evolvingseo.com – was purchased for $9.99!
The first version of evolvingseo.com was launched. (It was hideous I assure you.)
He attends his first marketing conference on a budget – by winning a free ticket, taking a $20 bus, sleeping on the floor of his sister’s apartment … and brining boiled eggs and cookies with him for meals.
The SEO blog on this domain is launched.
By the end of 2011, SEO work is picking up, and he’s able to quit working for his Dad, as planned.
Dan becomes a Moz Associate. He attends MozCon…

…and shoots a Whiteboard Friday video.

MozCon is ALSO where he would first meet the guy who would become Evolving SEO’s first full-time employee.
Sarah (his wife) finishes her degree in Business and starts working with Dan and Evolving SEO.
Dan starts the ‘NoBoard’ series – weekly videos about SEO on his YouTube channel. It runs about 25 episodes.
By the Fall of 2012 he cuts piano lessons down to one afternoon a week.
2012 was a turbulent year! – Dan wrote a detailed and transparent recap which you can read here.
Evolving SEO moves headquarters to Worcester, MA (45 mins west of Boston).
Dan completely quits teaching music for good.
Dan speaks at SMX East in NYC.

Evolving SEO announces their first official job opening – and ends up instead, hiring a first-class marketing contractor. He is still with Evolving SEO today running Facebook Ad campaigns for select clients.
Evolving SEO finally makes it’s first full-time hire – Anthony Pensabene – who was with the company for 18 months.
Evolving SEO helps some notable companies such as Ring.com, Hint Water & Smart Blogger.
The SEO and Digital Marketing Podcast, Experts On The Wire is born! It gets all 5-star reviews across the board on iTunes.
Dan teaches a live four week, eight-session SEO course in the ConversionXL Institute.
We let go of our only full-time employee as we decided to scale down and preferred being a two-person boutique consultancy.
I launched my new 1-Day Jumpstart service which had tremendous positive feedback from the beginning.
I started consulting for GBH (Boston’s NPR and PBS), a client I have been very proud of working with.
Did some consulting for a few other notable companies such as Zappos and Cinch, now Berxi (owned by Berkshire Hathaway).
Spoke at ContentJam in Chicago and Agents of Change in Portland (definitely two of the biggest events I’d spoken at thus far)
Spoke at Social Media Marketing World in San Diego
Taught another course for CXL – How To Create An SEO Content Calendar.
Spoke at Content Marketing World In Cleveland

These were some crazy years: in the world, for me personally and professionaly! I will update this section soon 🙂
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