Experts On The Wire is my SEO Podcast, with over 845,000 total downloads!

On air since 2016, I have interviewed over 100 leaders and top practitioners in the SEO world, including John Mueller, Jackie Chu, Kevin Indig, Rand Fishkin, JR Oakes and LOTS more.

You can find all of the episodes below, or subscribe with any podcast player. Here's links to iTunes, Google Play and Spotify!.

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Not sure where to begin? Give this episode with Jackie Chu of Uber a spin. We talked about Internal Linking, ASO and Content Marketing

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All Episodes

Here's every episode, starting with the most recent!

131: Bias in SEO, Overconfident SEO Case Studies, Google’s SERP Struggles w/Sarah Presch

Sarah Presch, is Digital Marketing Director at Dragon Metrics. She holds degrees in both Psychology and Digital Marketing and has been doing SEO, Marketing and Psychomarketing in corporate roles for 12 years. As SEOs, I think we spend FAR too much time obsessing over Google ‘Ranking Factors’ (most recently the API leaks) and NOT enough

130: The Future of SEO – Optimism In Uncertain Times w/Will Critchlow

Will Critchlow is the CEO of SearchPilot, an SEO A/B testing company. I invited Will back to Experts on the Wire to discuss the Future of SEO. I feel like things have felt very turbulent and uncertain in the SEO world lately (more than usual!) – because of things like AI/Chat-GPT, changes in how the

129: Helpful Content Update Recovery and More w/Kristine Schachinger

Kristine Schachinger is an SEO Consultant, specializing in Technical SEO, SEO Website Audits, Growth Strategies, Google Penalty Recovery, Accessibility, Usability, LLMs, & Social Media. She has been an SEO for over 15 years and helped sites like Instacart, Vice, Zappos, and many more. Topics In This Episode Include: Why AI vs Human Content Comparison

Updates About This Podcast!

Join me for 5 mins with some updates about Experts on the Wire (and new episode announcements!) Listen Now! Check out Content Aced – a high-powered research assistant tool that helps you find topical gaps in your content: for 50% off.

128: Surviving SEO in an AI World: Strategic SEO vs Checklist SEO w/Sara Taher

  If you’re trying to keep up with AI in the SEO world, while remaining strategic and not just following a checklist, this episode is for you! My guest today is Sara Taher who has been an SEO consultant since 2014. Topics In This Episode Include: How to incorporate AI in your SEO workflow (tons

127: Image Optimization, Algorithmic Biases, ADHD & SEO w/Myriam Jessier

It’s hard to convey the huge variety of topics we covered in this action-packed episode with just a 60-character title! Myriam Jessier is an SEO Trainer, SEO Consultant, and co-owner of PRAGM, a technical marketing agency. She speaks three languages and has been doing SEO for over 15 years. I had a blast talking with

126: Passive Link Acquisition With Authoritative Content w/Monique (Meaux) Quarles

If you’re looking for creative ideas and strategies for creating more authoritative content and earning backlinks passively, this episode is for you! Monique is an SEO Consultant, Digital Strategist, Content Creator, Podcaster, and lots more. After nearly three years with the Wiideman Consulting Group where she led a 20% average increase in inbound organic search

125: The Worst Technical SEO Mistakes To Avoid w/Olga Zarr

My guest today Olga Zarr audited over 100 sites in a two-year period – and from that compiled a massive list of 99+ tech SEO mistakes. On today’s episode, we talk through some of the worst of the worst tech SEO mistakes you should avoid. And, answer some tech SEO questions from Twitter.   Listen

124: Tech SEO Tips From a Google Product Expert w/Dave Smart

Tech SEO fans this episode is a MUST listen!  Topics Include: The current state of how Google handles JavaScript Testing JavaScript Sites for SEO Dave’s favorite and least favorite JS platforms Hydrating JavaScript Caching and JS Caching APIs Fingerprinting Files What are web workers and do they index? Dave’s definition of tech SEO The strangest

123: Pain Point SEO – How To Create Content That Converts w/Araminta Robertson

If you’re struggling to generate blog traffic that actually converts – this episode is for you! My guest Araminta Robertson is managing director at Mint Studios, a content marketing agency that focuses on creating content that generates business, not just traffic.  Araminta will be speaking at Brighton SEO this Fall, she has hosted her own podcasts