If you’re an SEO Consultant (or work with one) maybe you struggle with things like:
- charging project vs hourly
- how much to charge
- dealing with difficult clients
- how to acquire clients and sell SEO
- problems with “snake oil” SEO selling
- how to stand out in the SEO industry
- time management
- how to grow from a solo consultant into scaling an agency
Marie and I chatted about these struggles and much more on today’s show.
Listen Now!
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Show Agenda and Timestamps
- Show Introduction [0:19]
- Marie’s introduction [1:23]
- How Marie got into SEO [1:30]
- Does Marie believe it is important that people associate her with Penguin and Panda? [5:23]
- How to do SEO services well [6:44]
- Is Marie trying to move beyond the perception of being the Penguin and Panda expert? [10:40]
- Twitter Question: Client Aquisition and combatting the promise of #1 Google ranking spam emails [12:00]
- Marie’s guest posting secret [15:55]
- Dan’s optimizing LinkedIn profile advice [16:59]
- Twitter Question: How do you talk about successes (or failures/learnings!) without breaching client confidentiality? [18:43]
- BuzzSumo Sponsor Break with Discount Code [21:34]
- How does Marie respond to people that say SEO is too expensive [22:27]
- How does Marie feel about giving away things for free to land a client [29:20]
- Twitter Question: Pros and Cons of consulting on an hourly basis versus retainers versus packages? [34:55]
- How does Marie think about pricing the projects and packages? [36:47]
- Does Marie increase prices for longterm clients? [38:40]
- Twitter Question: Ideal ways to establish billing processes? [39:53]
- Twitter Question: Any useful advice when you have completed your keyword research, the process of mapping tons of keywords into the content of a page for SEO 2018 best practice? [43:08]
- Twitter Question: When you’re diving into a successful SEO project that’s already thriving, where is the BEST place to begin so that you add value and “do no harm”? [46:20]
- Twitter Question: How to explain the amount of time spent on work and how different projects vary. [48:10]
- Has there been an instance where Marie was unable to help a client recover from a penalty and how does she deal with charging for that work? [50:10]
- Twitter Question: How much reporting is enough (or too much)? [52:50]
- Twitter Question: Keeping your cool with some of the worst clients (and people) you’ll ever meet. [54:20]
- When did Marie make her first hire and why did she decide to start hiring? [58:12]
- Twitter Question: What to look for in staff hires and what does Marie’s interview process look like? [59:47]
- Are their certain attributes Marie looks for in a potential new hire? [1:01:25]
- Twitter Question: How to Scale Your Agency & Train New People [1:03:23]
- How does Marie deliver work to clients? [1:05:12]
- How much time do Marie and her team spending doing phone calls and meetings with clients? [1:07:54]
- Twitter Question: What’s the best advice you can give to someone starting out? [1:08:52]
- Where to find Marie online [1:10:53]
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Articles, Resources, and Links Mentioned
Find Marie Online
June 30, 2018
Really enjoyed this. Thanks for posting!
July 4, 2018
Learnt a lot from the podcast.
Thanks for sharing.
July 10, 2018
The best advice on selling seo I think I have ever come across!
July 12, 2018
Ruben Lozano
It was a really nice podcast. Really helpful your experience.