This episode is packed with tools & tactics that will help you do better marketing, by having better systems. In my last year of client work – I noticed a funny pattern. The clients getting the best results were the ones that had processes in place. This is because this means they are actually executing, and actually getting work done.
So I wanted to bring a guest on to help crack the systems code. Michelle Nickolaisen delivers!
In this episode, she’ll also share with us how she got a Kickstarter Campaign funded to 156% of the goal.
I think you’ll enjoy it.
Listen Now!
- Two weeks only! Pre-order:
- Streak Video Tutorial
- Screen Cast O Matic
- Recordit
- Jing
- CandyBank
- Behind the Scenes of a Successful Kickstarter (Part II) (Part III)
- Asana
- Trello
- How to Use Trello to Stay Motivated
- Boomerang
- Mixmax
- aText
- CoSchedule
- Evernote
- Welcome To Night Vale Podcast
- Feedly
- Michelle’s YouTube channel
- Michelle at Amazon store
“I’ve been writing since I could hold a pencil.”
- Anti Tim Ferriss
- “Automate the things you can …”
- “Systems are important in a human-focused business”
- “They think using systems means customers are never getting great service…”
- Why are systems important?
Pitching Process
- A different template for each kind of recipient
- Do research to ensure the recipient is a good fit
Mistakes Small Businesses Make
- “Client follow-up is super easy to systematize.”
- “Prepare for the day when you do have help.”
- Client on-boarding
- “If we don’t know how long a task will take, we’ll put it off.”
- “There’s no way to see a unified calendar with all tasks on it.”
- “It’s good when working with a handful of clients or running a content agency.”
- “Streak and mixmatch are my favorites for email.”
Catalog Ideas
- “I use Evernote.”
- There’s so much to do with it you can get confused
- Make writing scannable
- Have a person transcribe an audio file
- Short sentences keep people entertained and engaged
- Able to get 156% of asked funds
- “Social media was more effective than content marketing for this.”
- Thank-you tweets were really helpful
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