NOTE: I originally wrote this for The Next Web In August of 2016. It was officially accepted… but never published (not sure what happened).
UPDATE: It’s been published over on The Next Web (whoo hoo! as you can imagine they have a long queue of content.)
You can read the whole thing there:
I’ve removed the text from this page, and no-indexed this version from Google, to give The Next Web full credit 🙂
BUT, you can still listen in audio form below and in any podcast player.
Either way, enjoy!
January 9, 2017
Jason Thibault
Hi Dan,
Sorry The Next Web placement didn’t work out – but thanks for posting it here!
Bookmarked for future re-reading. This was great. Your recent YT video has inspired to dig much deeper into SEMRush (I’m a paid subscriber) this year.
January 9, 2017
Dan Shure
Hey Jason – thanks! No worries about TNW, I just didn’t want all this work to not get shared really 🙂 Yes, love SEM Rush – will be teaching more ways to use it this year!
January 10, 2017
Great content! Dan
Regarding “not provided” keywords, is there any other ways to uncover them other than Authority Labs?
January 10, 2017
Dan Shure
The BEST way is through Google Search Console’s Search Analytics report. You’ll see impressions, average ranking position, clicks and click-through-rate for all of your content that gets visibility in search.
Advanced tip: if you have a large site you can register subfolders separately, this will give you more data 🙂