Johnathan breaks down PPC concepts in a clear, understandable way – better than almost anyone else I’ve heard. Maybe you’ve “tried” PPC in your business and though it “didn’t work”, or maybe you’ve been doing SEO and want to get into PPC, or maybe you’re looking for an additional source of high quality traffic.
You’ll learn about why Johnathan think CPC and quality score doesn’t really matter (not in the way you think they do). He’ll explain “Sardines vs Whales” in search marketing, caring about the details and lots more.
This episode is a must listen. MUST.
Listen Now!
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Company day-to-day
PPC Ad Misalignment
“PPC Didn’t Work”
- Attracting traffic, converting traffic, and closing a sale
Danger of Wasting Money
Starting the Process
- “How are you judging success?”
Ad Spend is Arbitrary Number
- Clients spend on average 5k per month
Metrics to Measure
- Cost per Click and Quality Scores don’t matter
- Cost per acquisition (so you can be more aggressive with bidding)
- Sales rate per keyword
Whales vs. Sardines
- Know which keywords (and platforms) invite the best opportunities
Data from AdWords
- Search term vs keyword
- Matched search query
- Tracking template
Use the Data to Optimize Sales vs Conversions
Creating Titles
- First started writing for Unbounce
- Evoking emotion
- “Attention is the ultimate courtesy”
Replying to Blog Comments
I Want All of the Pages on My Site to Kick Ass
- About Us page
- “Caring about the details is a trust builder”
Ask Clients Annoying Questions to Build Trust
Landing Pages
- Mistakes
March 24, 2017
Great show, working on my new landing page as I was listening, picked up some good tips 🙂 klientboost’s landing page is really nice. I wish they had more landing pages samples on the site 🙁
One of the reason I’ve stayed a freelancer is cause of my loud music. If Johnathan can have dance music pumping so can I 🙂
Thanks Again!
March 24, 2017
Dan Shure
Me too! I’ve got the music cranked right now too 🙂