Five Reasons This Post Exists
1. To Publicly Evaluate The Business – As months go by, memory blurs, details are forgotten, progress can seem stagnant – in essence, this serves as a way to collect and preserve the important aspects from the last year in Evolving SEO. And more importantly, to take a giant step back and evaluate Evolving SEO in an objective manner.
2. To Take My Own Advice – I tell clients (in applicable industries) all of the time. Share your successes, share failures, share data, speak with personality. That’s CONTENT!
3. To Answer People’s Requests – A handful of folks tell me they’d be interested in a “year in review” for Evolving SEO. They’ve been curious in what’s happened in the last 12 or so months, so this is an easy way to share that with everyone.
4. To Look Ahead – To prepare for something – and I’m not going to lie. I’m not sure what that something is …more about what could be next for Evolving SEO at the end of this post.
5. NOT to “humblebrag” at ALL – This post is hopefully an objective, honest and entertaining look at the last year. Despite certain small achievements, there’s plenty more I could have accomplished. And there were some mistakes made. But at the same time, you have to acknowledge failures AND progress. It’s part of growing and preparing for what’s next.
Looking Back At December 23rd 2011
Evolving SEO as a viable full time business was still in it’s infancy one year ago. But a few folks encouraged me last year, and I will never forget it.
Let me be clear – I don’t actually think I came through for what they predicted. Not even close. I will NEVER think I have “arrived” at some false notion of a finish line. There’s SO much more I think I could have accomplished. SEO is NOT a popularity contest for me.
But what mattered was their encouragement. I have to say, if they know it or not, those simple 140 characters spoken over the web stuck with me all year.
And later that night my wife and I celebrated our 5th year wedding anniversary. I told her what my friends had said, and I told her I thought 2012 was going to be a great year for Evolving SEO.
Was 2012 A “great” year? Let’s take a look back!!
Note: I know not all the following stats (thumbs up / tweets) are “important” in the grand scheme of things. Just a fun way to highlight some of my best (and worst) content from the last year and certain rough benchmarks. For example, follower count matters less than engagement, but I’ve personally seen a direct correlation between “effort” and follower count.
These stats are from December 23rd, 2011 – December 22nd, 2012
Evolving SEO Stats
Website, Unique Visitors: 16,561
I put minimal effort at best into gaining traffic to Evolving SEO, mainly because most effort is focused on client work. And I don’t publish content very often.
Website, Most Visits In A Day: 596
(October 22, 2012 – Ben Folds post)
When I do publish content though, it tends to do well in that day/week.
Active Clients December 2011
Roughly 6
Active Clients December 2012
Roughly 14
Total Number Clients Helped In 2012
About 47 (ranging from small consults to big projects)
Dan / Personal Stats
New Twitter Followers: +2,071 (since 12/23/11)
Most Commented Post
The Ultimate List of Rank Checkers (47 comments – including my comments)
Most Tweeted Post
Analysis of Ben Fold’s Twitter Followers With FollowerWonk (106 tweets)
Least Commented/Tweeted Post
Five SEO Minutes With Noah’s Dad (0 Comments / 12 tweets)
Hours Worked On SEO
(only the last quarter of 2012 was actually full time on SEO, more on that below)
- 1,465 in the year
- 122 a month
- 6 per business day (roughly)
- Take note, I didn’t always remember to track my hours
- Also note, roughly 900 hours were spent teaching music across the year (again, more about that below).
Job Offers
Roughly 8 or 9 – ranging from casual, to actual interviews.
Job Offers I Accepted
None (obviously, duh) 😉
SEOMoz Stats
- Most Thumbed Up Post – Click Worthy Titles (139 Thumbs Up)
- Most Thumbed Down Post – WordPress SEO (5 Thumbs Down)
- 136 Private Moz Questions Answered
- 81 Public Moz Questions Answered (as an associate)
Notable Timeframes
January-August 2012 – Not tons of people may know or realize, but for the first eight months of 2012 I was essentially working two jobs. In this time, I was still teaching piano lessons roughly 20 hours a week. This quickly became quite difficult and taxing on my schedule and well-being around Feb/March and was a huge challenge to maintain, until September when it cut down to 5 hours a week.
May 2012 – My wife Sarah, graduates college (with honors), with a business degree, and can now help behind the scenes on Evolving SEO part time. (She helps with bookkeeping, administrative stuff, SEO tasks, research and is a huge help on the occasion I make a website for someone).
September 2012 – I cut down teaching music to only 5 hours a week. I was able to work out a deal with a local music school, for them to take over about 15 hours of my teaching schedule (teachers come to my studio space). This allows me to finally focus 95% of my time and effort on SEO.
December 2012 – Hire first two subcontractors to help with client work – Ted Ives helps me with some keyword research, and Anthony crafts me some incredible titles/concepts for a client project. And although technically not a subcontractor, when someone needs heavy duty link building I recommend Ross Hudgens, whom I’ve had the pleasure of teaming up with on a few projects. It takes the super-duty link stuff off my back and allows me to focus more on what I do best.
Notable Dates / Events
December 23, 2011 – Sarah and I celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary. Evolving SEO is still only about 35% of our monthly income, with on average 3-6 active clients. I am still teaching music lessons 20 hours a week.
January 3rd – In an effort to do some local networking, I apply to BNI. My application for membership at the local BNI was initially rejected (because the “Internet Marketing” company claimed they “did SEO”).
They later accepted me, but in the 45 days that has passed, I had become too busy to commit to the weekly meetings.
February 2012 – After a series of blog posts at the beginning of 2012, finally some great referrals start coming my way from other SEO agencies. I go from twiddling my thumbs to being totally packed with SEO work in a matter of a few weeks.
March 20-22 – Attended SES NY.
Spent most of the time working in the lobby of the Hilton. (In part to keep up with work, in part due to boredom. Sorry SES, but that was like the least helpful conference ever).
March 22 – Gave my first ever SEO presentation at SES NY – at a sponsored session for SEMNE (so not a “real” presentation). Kinda thought I bombed the talk (hadn’t even practiced it).
March 27th – Officially became an SEOmoz Associate
April 2nd – Attended LinkLove Boston
May 3rd – I was a guest on the ever-loved #seochat. Despite prepping with pages of notes, I thought it didn’t go so well, but it was fun. (Alan Bleiweiss had a good time mocking me / stealing the show).
June 9th – My application to speak at Mozcon as a community speaker is not chosen (despite a cupcake bribe!)
June 27th – Gave my second SEO Presentation at a Distilled NYC Meetup. Myself, Tom Critchlow and John Doherty Presented on “SEO For Startups”.
Despite nervously pacing forward and back during my presentation, I thought it went pretty well! Ha!
July 24th – Shot my first (and only) Whiteboard Friday on Twitter Tactics. It went so long (whoops) they split it into three sections.
July 25-27 – Attended MozCon in Seattle.
August 16th – Applications to speak at SMX East AND Agents Of Change are both declined on the same day (my birthday!)
September 1st – Began working with our first “dream” client, Vosges Chocolate, as a result of this post I had written almost a year prior.
On the same day, I finally go from 20 hours/wk of teaching music to only 5. HUGE relief, and can finally focus on SEO basically full time.
September 25th – Technically, we took an extension on paying 2011 taxes, but still paid them “on time” in full for the first time… ever (I’ve always been full/part time self employed since college and have never been able to pay taxes in full due to lack of saving – I have my wife to thank for managing this so effectively).
Still got hit with fines though, for not paying quarterly.
October 1st – Began working with our second “dream” client, Nashoba Valley Winery, as a result of this post I had also written about 9 months prior. Ended up basically just migrating them to WordPress, and didn’t actually do any SEO (yet) so don’t judge it that way 😉
October 18th – Started the NoBoard SEO Series on YouTube. A bi-weekly video series in which I spend a few minutes sharing/teaching/talking/muttering stuff about SEO.
The NoBoard SEO Series – Episode #16 “Exposing SEO Opportunity With This Custom WMT Report”
I’m tired of being rejected to speak, so with this series I hope to prove that I can engage and share SEO concepts effectively, and be an asset to any conference or event willing to have me!
October 23rd – Hosted a webinar on Twitter for Private Schools through edSocialMedia (THAT was a blast!)
November 5-6 – Attend SearchLove Boston.
November 7th – Spoke at Mozcation Portsmouth. My third SEO presentation. Talked about “Analytics For SEOs”
I thought the delivery was good, but think the content it’s self could have been better. Permanent videos have no been published, but you can see the replay of the live streaming version here.
Thanks to Dan Freund for the image!
UPDATE: MOZCATION VIDEOS!!!! Part One On YouTube // Part Two On YouTube
December 23 – I publish the first Evolving SEO annual review (this post!)
7 Biggest Failures / Regrets
Knowing how to do SEO and do it well is one thing. But feeling like you’ve been thrown into the far deep end of deadlines, responsibilities, running a business, managing expectations… that’s a whole different beast. Here’s some things I could have done better, and at least now learned from to avoid in the future.
1. I took on some projects I was not 100% excited about – immediate recipe for depression and failure. I fear I’d taken on a few projects I honestly wasn’t 100% enthusiastic about, and it perhaps showed in the results. I’m highly self-critical to begin with, so maybe my version of a “bad job” isn’t so bad… but still. Standards are standards. I wish for everything I do to be exceptional not just “OK”.
2. I owed a few sub-contractors money for far too long – In short, I got myself into a project I should not have (note #1 mistake above!), and ended up subcontracting some of it out to complete it.
I hired two people to help me finish this project – and it took me much longer than it should have to pay them in full for the work they had done. I felt terrible about this (in fact, part of the problem is I didn’t tell immediately my wife I owed them money – whoops!).
Emails like this are NOT fun…
So, when it came time to hire some extra help this December – I paid them in full up front. I don’t want to ever have to worry about owing people money like that again.
So THIS is better!
3. I over promised on a few occasions – again, learning the hard way a bit here, but expectation setting has been something I had to work on initially (getting much better now). I’m not saying I didn’t come through, but I came through with a few lonnnggg nights powered by coffee to get the work done. Waking up still caffeinated is not fun.
4. I mistook “busy taking in leads” for “busy with paid clients” – even though you have leads coming through the pipeline, this does NOT mean you’re “booked” with actual work.
I’ve learned, I’m not “booked” until the schedule is booked with paying clients. Far too often, I’d state a 4-5 week lead time, thinking that current leads were going to turn into clients – or even more upsetting, some prospects verbally indicated a job may start, but then a check wouldn’t come, or it would come 3-4 weeks later, and I could have started someone else in the meantime.
So this happened a few more times than it should have;
I’m all about taking my time with the sales process and educating people, but there’s a fine line between that and working for free – especially as basically an independent consultant. I’ve been learning to gauge these situations more effectively.
5. I didn’t leave enough time for my wife – as a business-owner/freelancer I’m far too susceptible of falling into the “I’ll just take this one extra job and work 2 more hours each night” – but that’s a trap. And the math isn’t that simple. And I’m afraid it’s left me overbooked and without enough time to spend with Sarah. Or spend outside of just “work”. Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE working. In fact, this is the happiest I have been since performing music full time.
But life has to be a balance. Work and play can mix and the lines can be blurred, but dedicated time with loved ones is so important. Even when I was physically there spending time with my wife, my mind was often elsewhere (or sadly on my iPhone). Big mistake.
6. I kept making websites for people, instead of just doing SEO – I do enjoy making websites (it’s how I got into SEO in the first place) but I still seem to stick myself in situations where I’m making websites, rather than optimizing them.
I love doing it, but it’s just not the most fun and useful way to spend my time. Especially since just about every website I’ve made has taken longer than I’d budgeted for (and technically it’s eaten away at profit per man-hours… “dan-hours”?) – These jobs typically take twice as long as you think, which eats at the bottom line, and takes away from working directly on SEO.
7. Not upgrading the Evolving SEO website – This website as it stands, was assembled by myself in a week in my spare time. It’s just a silly WordPress theme, and I can’t stand it any longer. A local designer even created a new design for me for free out of his own desire, and I did nothing with it. I think 2013 should be the year where I greatly upgrade this site its self!
Six Goals / Plans For 2013
Man. This is the TOUGH part. It’s SO easy to get caught in a wheel that just keeps spinning. It’s easy to get trapped in that and not look far ahead at the bigger picture and try to take control of where you’re headed.
1. Keep Moving Towards “Success”
Success for me is almost a silly, too-vague word. We don’t even know what it means. But for me, I can make it concrete by defining success as the intersection between three things;
- Fulfilling tasks/situations
- Helping others
- Ability to monetize
2. Speak More
Man, I got the BUG of speaking this past year. Only a few instances but I’m hooked. This is one reason I’m doing my YouTube series – to practice speaking, and because it fulfills 1, 2, 3 above.
3. Utilize Subcontractors More
There’s smart people who can do certain things WAY better, faster and with more enjoyment than I can. And I also receive great joy in seeing other people succeed and be proud of something. And my clients are getting a better value. I can’t think of a much better win-win-win. I’m not ready for employees yet, but I’m going to continuing experimenting with sub-contracting a LOT more in 2013.
4. Create More Content
I looovvvveee writing posts and putting together pieces of content for the SEO community. I would love to find ways to do this that are monetized within themselves, so it’s not “extra” time spent off the clock. Since it’s something I enjoy so much I figure that’s where you’re biggest success can come from, so might try to maximize this.
5. Relocate?
Right now, I’m in HUGE violation of the putting myself in “fulfilling situations” rule. I kinda wish Evolving SEO had an office in an inspiring town or city, with interesting things going on, like-minded businesses and people, and thus the option to grow (in terms of employees) if it wants it to.
I find myself not wanting to “settle” into a full office here in Holden (next to Worcester, MA) simply because I do not feel this area is the best fit for Evolving SEO – and not personally inspiring.
Examples of places that come to mind are Concord, MA or Portsmouth, NH (an area I used to live). But likely somewhere in MA is the most viable option for both Sarah and I.
A relocation might take a year to get to, but it’s one of the biggest personal and business goals I have for Evolving SEO at the moment – relocate to a place more inspiring and be an important facet to a local community.
6. Take More Risks
This is the BIGGEST issue I see, looking back upon the last year. There’s some “failures” – but really? They’re not much. I’ve been playing it a little too safe.
I’m definitely not saying I’d take risk with clients, but with my own personal development – hell yeah! I haven’t failed enough.
Lastly A Thank You
I hate to pull out the “there’s too many people to thank” but (un)fortunately it’s true! This is perhaps one the best parts about being in this industry, is ALL the wonderful and caring folks who have helped me out, and helped others out.
THANK YOU everyone who has been helpful, encouraging and selfless – and I only wish to be able to give back even a tenth of what you have given to me!
December 24, 2012
Brandon Doyle
Hey this was an awesome post! It sounds like you grew a lot and have some great plans for 2013. Good luck!
December 24, 2012
Joel Casarez
Hey Dan,
Congrats on a great year!
I’ve just reached my first year in business in Sept. It was really slow but Oct, Nov. and Dec. leads starting just pouring in.
I’d love to talk to you more about how you landed your clients. I like the idea of writing blog post about the client to attract them. When I first started I started doing PPC, and failed over and over again. Made little money back. Started with SEO and it’s now just paying off.
I’ve received a few referrals but I want to step it up in year 2. Any advice?
December 24, 2012
Dan Shure
Hi Joel
Thanks for reading, and happy to give some suggestions.
I can cite three things that attributed to leads;
1. Meeting / networking other people, especially other SEOs/Agencies in person. For me this was – Distilled’s NYC Meetups (drove 3 hours each way to attend), SEMNE (a local organization), and conferences.
2. Stepping outside of my “circle” whether is be guest posting or speaking in front of new people, getting yourself in front of a new audience is huge. Or just find and become a part of a community that you like. SEOmoz has been highly beneficial as a community for me.
3. Quality of my posts. I wanted my posts to demonstrate the quality of work someone is going to get if they hire me. Here’s something folks don’t realize. It’s not JUST the quality of SEO content but the quality of the delivery of that content that will impress people. Find your voice. Use a new format no one’s done before. Use humor. Have an opinion.
Then in terms of turning leads into clients, there’s three things I can think of there;
1. The quality of the lead. WHERE it came from. When a reputable SEO agency sends someone my way (because they are too booked) that’s more likely to turn into a client than someone who finds me at random on the internet. I think that’s obvious.
2. Quality of the proposal. I’ve been told my proposal looks better than many others (I had no idea)… but I use Harvest, I add my logo, I format the text so it’s easy to read and I break everything into sections and clearly state deliverables.
3. Tone of conversation. I basically never try to “sell”. I treat an initial call/email as a time to learn about them and educate. In my mind, I’m as much deciding if I want to work with them, as much as I’m sure they are deciding if they like me. It’s low pressure and I almost never follow up with people if I’ve sent a proposal and I don’t hear back. It’s kinda annoying when that happens, you spend all this time talking, email preparing an estimate and they don’t even give you a courtesy reply – but oh well!
Anyway, thanks again! And I hope some of that has helped.
December 24, 2012
Anthony Pensabene
looks like it was a great ride..keep going, Shure. i think there are more plans for you 🙂
I really like the layout here- reads like a dossier of the year/resume, but way more interesting to read and offers more about you – well done
happy wedding anniversary (yesterday) -keep doing good work
December 24, 2012
Jason N.
Dan, congrats on an awesome year of growth. Thanks for sharing. I can relate to your experience, to an extent. Do you think using subcontractors more effectively is the key to better scaling your business?
December 25, 2012
Dan Shure
Hey Jason… and thanks! Hmm… I don’t think I’m viewing the goal as scaling, as much as just trying to; 1. do the best work for clients that I can – 2. Give other people work that maximizes their skills and passions – 3. Free myself up to do the tasks I am most passionate about. …it’s only subcontractors vs. employees at the moment, because I don’t think I’m quite ready to support full time employees yet, and also I’m not 100% settled in a location.
I’d love to hear more about this from your perspective!
December 24, 2012
Gaz Copeland
Hey Dan,
Really interesting story for 2012 and it actually mirrors my own in some respects (although you did a much better job!) Hopefully you can keep this rolling into 2013 and beyond. Thanks for sharing.
December 25, 2012
Dan Shure
Thanks Gaz! 😉
December 24, 2012
Great read.
What app did you use for time tracking?
Good luck in 2013.
December 25, 2012
Dan Shure
Hey Mike, sorry I should have mentioned. That’s Harvest: – I use it for time tracking and invoicing. Love it.
December 25, 2012
Russell McAthy
Hi Dan
Thanks for a honest…well written and informative post. Been a follower of your work for the last year and it’s constant improvement is not something to be taken lightly! Hope to actually meet you in 2013 but either way I’m sure you’ll be having a lot more successes than failures…after all that’s all anyone can ask for
December 25, 2012
Dan Shure
Hey Russ… yep, I “recognize you” from Twitter 😉 Be good to meet!
December 25, 2012
Hey Dan,
Stumbled onto this post from Fun to read about your growth. Good luck in 2013.
Portland, OR
December 25, 2012
Dan Shure
Cool, thanks for stopping by Jason! Happy Holidays, and here’s to a great 2013 for you as well!
December 26, 2012
Merry Christmas and happy new year man!
It was nice to read about your reflections on the past year and see that your business truly lives up to its name in terms of evolution.
I can’t wait to see what the new year brings for you – as for location I say we just share an office in Cambridge, brainstorm all day and drink enough coffee to guarantee a spot on the board at Starbucks! 😉
Chat soon! R
December 26, 2012
Dan Shure
Ha! Thanks Rich… you’re the only saving grace of this town 😉
December 26, 2012
Ryan McLaughlin
For your 2013 goals, a combination of 4 & 6 is where my head is at for this next year. I respect your dive into video creation and think that’s where more people need to be. It’s been really educational reading your stuff this year. Good luck in the next.
December 26, 2012
Dan Shure
Thanks Ryan, really appreciate you stopping by and yeah, totally – video! I’ll definitely check out anything you put together… and good luck in ’13 too 🙂
December 26, 2012
I’m honestly shocked by this post. Twice.
First, because you said “Evolving SEO … was still in its infancy one year ago.”
You should know – you’re in my top 3 favorite Moz people. (With the unrelated Thompsons, Adam & Paul). I have read your stuff basically all year. I had no idea you were at “infancy.” I’ve learned from you, shared your stuff, added you to my feed reader and basically think you rocked 2012. You rocked MY 2012.
Second, so much of what you said echoes my own year it’s scary. “I put minimal effort into gaining traffic … because most effort is focused on client work.” Our traffic stats are almost identical. Our reasoning is almost identical.
You said: “After a series of blog posts at the beginning of 2012, finally some great referrals start coming my way from other SEO agencies. I go from twiddling my thumbs to being totally packed with SEO work in a matter of a few weeks.”
The funny thing is, I’m hoping to start 2013 with a “series of blog posts” – Moz, some guest blogging on other sites, and my own content, of course. I hope I can get even busier (I avg slightly more clients but at what I’m sure are slightly lower prices.)
Finally, you said “I’m tired of being rejected to speak” – you also mentioned some 8-9 job offers. I’m in the place of looking at possibly joining an agency to get that “team atmosphere” back, and learn some new things, grow, etc. but then I keep hitting a rejection wall for no known reason. I think we often think of overnight success as just that – but we know the truth. We know about the rejections, the people who haven’t seen what you can give yet, etc. I feel the same way. I *know* my own skills but I obviously need to market them better.
We all make mistakes – overpromising, not leaving family time, not working hard enough when we’re at our desks and reading too much social, doing things that aren’t part of our core job description and focusing on the day-to-day instead of the long term goals.
Good luck with the relocation. I did that myself last year. I moved from New England to Melbourne, Australia – 10k miles. It’s been a heck of a year. I may end up writing my own annual evaluation type post over the next few days! I can’t wait for 2013!
This is my longest comment of the year, I think. But I appreciate all you do and wanted you to know that while you may get some speaker rejection or feel like things aren’t always going the way you want, being able to look at the whole year, you know they have been positive and gone as far as you could go in 365 days.
December 27, 2012
Dan Shure
Hey Matt… wow… well that’s the COMMENT of the year. Can really tell you took everything in, which means a lot… I think that’s all someone can ask when they write such personal content.
And being totally honest, I think you should put more of your unique (and engaging I might add) voice into your website. It shows in the blog here and there, but would love to see more of it across the site from the text to the photos. Maybe that’s something you already have in the works, but at least it’s some reinforcement if that’s the case 😉
Thanks again so much for stopping by, and for the tweet(s) too 🙂
December 28, 2012
Nathan K Smith
Hey Dan,
Very well thought out and written blog post! I love the humility in your writing. Nice to get a glimpse into your thoughts and experiences about your personal and business life.
Based on what I know and have read about you so far I think 2013 is going to be a great year for ya!
December 28, 2012
Dan Shure
Thanks so much Nathan I really appreciate that!
December 28, 2012
Erica McGillivray
Hey Dan!
Special present from Santa Roger, Mozcation Portsmouth videos:
December 28, 2012
Dan Shure
December 31, 2012
Thomas Zickell
Hi Dan,
I wanted to say Happy anniversary and excellent new website & blog post. An outstanding job this year. You are accelerating in SEO faster than 99.9% In my book that is a something Proving you are achieve the pinnacle whatever it is you set out to you will be more successful than 99.9% In your industry. I believe if you look at the speed that you are moving in this industry you will be at the top Before you realize that most people and 45 to 65 times longer to accomplish what you’ve accomplished one year and you have the intelligence capability and attitude to get it done. (I am not saying anything negative about anyone else in this industry to admire pretty much everyone) I do want to say though I truly believe you will be exactly where ever you want less time then
imagined here’s to next year be better than the last!
Happy 2013
All the best,
December 31, 2012
Ted Ives
I’d like to echo Matt – you punch *way* above your weight and experience Dan – I have always been a fan of experience but once in awhile pure talent comes along and I think everyone knows it when they see it!
Looking forward to watching your business “evolve” further in 2013…
Happy New Year!
December 31, 2012
Dan Shure
Thanks Ted! I really appreciate the chances we had to get together and exchange SEO ideas. Hopefully we’ll carve out some time to do so in ’13 (that, and they sure do make some good coffee down there in Putnam!)
January 5, 2013
chad levin
dan congrats on a great year. i bookmarked this when you published this and am just now getting a chance to read it. Looks like you and i are almost in the same growth stages minus me speaking at meetings. I have seen the same growth in my business as you have in yours over the past twelve months. In fact a 500% increase over the past 2 months. Yes it has been very hectic, but when you love doing something you will spend all of your time doing it.
I personally want to thank you for answering me almost immediately on twitter whenever i had a question regarding tools or strategies. I honestly don’t know where you find the time to do all this research, work. hang with your wife, help everyone, plus the 100’s of other things you do.
God bless you man I wish you nothing but the best. Next time your in philly drinks are on me!
Chad @seohop
January 9, 2013
Hi Dan,
Wow! This is a great wrap up – I’m sure much more excitement is yet to come. Super new site design!
December 8, 2013
Dan Carter
You are so candid. Great post thanks for sharing all this info and details.