
What a journey the SEO industry has been so far! I’m going to keep this pretty short (believe me, it could be MUCH longer). But here’s a quick recap of the last 3-4 years;

2010-2011 – I decided to “step out” into the world of SEO after doing it on my own in relative obscurity. I was still teaching music full time, and doing SEO on the side. Evolving SEO was founded.

2012 – I was able to make Evolving SEO my full time gig, only teaching music one day a week. I also became a Moz Associate.

2013 – I moved Evolving SEO to a shiny new office in Worcester, MA. I quit teaching music entirely. I spoke at a number of industry events like SMX East in NY. I began occasionally utilizing contractors to help ease extra workload. My wife also works for Evolving SEO part time.

2014 – Early this year, things were getting difficult. I saw the results of some poor business choices and bad health choices. Around March, I decided to turn things around. I started working with a business mentor while at the same time regaining control of my health.

August 15th 2014 – so today, one day before my 35th birthday marks the next big step. It’s time to hire. I’m nervous. Yet I’m more pumped and excited than nervous. In the last few months I have pushed my workload to the limit and it broke. It’s been a hard lesson to learn, but I think I’m coming away stronger from it.

As you can see, we do things differently here and I think this is an exciting opportunity. At least I hope it’s as exciting for someone out there, as it is for me here. I have a lot to share, to teach and most importantly we have clients to delight.

If you’re interested, click here to learn more and apply. And if you know someone who might be interested, I would love if you pass this along!



Featured Image Source: Flickr

About Dan Shure

Hi! I'm Dan Shure. I write all of the posts and host all of the podcast episodes you'll find on the Evolving SEO blog. Say hello on Twitter @dan_shure!

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