So… I know who the fake Cutts is

And, you know, this puts us in a little dilemma. Should I tell? Its really been fun reading gems like this;

A true poetic gem. Or this;

But… fake Cutts. We’re SEOs. We solve puzzles on the internet all day. I guess this time was coming. Hopefully we still all have some fun – but ya know a puzzle is a puzzle and I can’t help but to solve it – and then write a blog post about it!!

I’m bothered when I know a mystery can be solved (which I think makes me a good SEO)

And this just bugged me enough. I THOUGHT it was someone at SEER.

I believe the fake Cutts when he says he’s not from SEER. But THIS I took as a challenge I couldn’t resist…

And sooo torn at the same time. You’ve provided a lot of laughs in the last few months!! But, it’s time.

Chris @RootsWebSol is fake Cutts

There! I said it!! But you left tracks… so hopefully you know you’d get outed one day or another 🙂

Clue 1 – You Follow Yourself (but after about 50 other people)

Clue 2 – You “Both” just started following Steve Webb

 Clue Three – Its in the tweets

Notice what’s similar?

  • Echofon
  • Almost the same time
  • Same content

Same deal…

  • Echofon
  • Tweeting from a store
  • 2 minutes apart
  • English stuff like 50p (pounds)

What was my research method?

  • Just looked at follow list, from the beginning
  • Went “no” or “yes” based upon gut feeling
  • If yes, checked for Echofon
  • Chris was the first being followed who I went “yes” and used echofon.
  • Put them both in a private list and saw that many tweets matched for timing, content and style.

I DO Disagree with 1 thing…

You will be JUST as hilarious now that we know who you are. PLEASE keep doing what you’re doing!!!! It’s truly hilarious and I personally laugh when fake Cutts shows up in my timeline with stuff like this:

And lastly…

If I’m wrong (which I hope I’m not) I’m going to feel REALLLLYYY dumb!!!

What does the world think – d’you agree? @RootsWebSol is @rnattcutts??


About Dan Shure

Hi! I'm Dan Shure. I write all of the posts and host all of the podcast episodes you'll find on the Evolving SEO blog. Say hello on Twitter @dan_shure!


  • June 7, 2012 Reply


    Makes sense. Nice investigation Dan. I’m not at SMX so I need things like this to keep me entertained.

  • June 7, 2012 Reply

    Gaz Copeland

    What? Hang on a minute, I thought this was the REAL Matt Cutts and the other guys was the fake one?

  • June 7, 2012 Reply

    Jigar Gondalia

    Dude… done a great job…. its all about characters in the name and u will find what is the actual name…. thanks buddy

  • June 7, 2012 Reply

    David Kartuzinski

    Wtf! He’s fake? (I just saw the Parody in his BIO). I was wondering why there were so few followers.

    I just changed my whole agency’s tasks for our interns and we’re compiling detailed reports on our competitors based on “Matt Cutts” advice and tweet from May 31 “Remember to keep outing your competitors it’s a bit quiet in the Web Spam office today”.

    Damn! And it’s not even April 1st.

    I feel like I totally screwed the pooch…


  • June 7, 2012 Reply

    Don Rhoades

    I’m sure he’d still be funny, but I doubt he’ll wish to continue. The anonymity of rnatt is now defunct and that will probably prevent him from “going there” anymore. If he didn’t want that level of deniability, he would have most likely been up front about his identity in the first place. It’s like finding out Santa is actually your parents but the tags still say they are from Santa… the magic is gone. 🙁

  • June 7, 2012 Reply

    Rob Toledo

    you were the kid in kindergarten who found out there was no Santa then told everybody else, weren’t you

    • June 7, 2012 Reply

      Don Rhoades

      no, my parents didn’t do the whole Santa thing, just an example.

  • June 7, 2012 Reply

    Kevin Gamache

    Not to totally disagree that Chris might be the guy but the picture/store example is a bit off because they are a full day apart from each other, rather than just a few minutes apart. Interesting stuff though.

    • June 7, 2012 Reply

      Dan Shure

      Good catch! Stand corrected on that one – although its still him 🙂

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