On today’s show!
- The rebirth of SEO
- Why do clients buy SEO without being bought in?
- What SEOs can learn from the world of advertising
- Communicating up the authority chain inside companies
- Thinking of SEO projects like a product team
- Estimating the ROI of SEO projects
- What to do when you’re a company like Coke and you don’t need SEO traffic to sell things
Listen Now!
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Show Agenda and Timestamps
- Drift’s HyperGrowth Discount Code! [0:00]
- Show Introduction [1:01]
- 1st Interview about the Maturity Model [1:25]
- Heather’s Introduction [2:57]
- What can SEOs learn from the world of advertising [3:10]
- How to begin to incorporate story into SEO work [4:10]
- How do you create tension when telling a story [5:36]
- What is VML? [7:12]
- What does Heather do at VML? [8:18]
- What caused the rebirth of the Organic Search team at VML [9:04]
- How directly involved with clients is Heather? [11:16]
- What can SEOs learn from the world of advertising [3:10]
- Heather’s Moz Talk [13:02]
- “Buying your services doesn’t mean buying in” – why do companies do this? [13:20]
- Does Heather find clients want education in SEO [15:12]
- Speak to everyone you can in the company [17:08]
- How to deal with a CEO (or the decision maker) who doesn’t want to talk [19:01]
- What things should SEOs be thinking about beyond SEO? [21:47]
- Don’t stay in your lane [24:18]
- Sponsor break with discount code!! [29:31]
- Formulas for Forecasting ROI [30:29]
- Cost of inaction [32:48]
- Twitter Questions [40:49]
- How do you prioritize SEO work amongst other dev work? When x, y and z are broken (tech debt etc.) how do you work out where to start? [40:55]
- And then persuade team to come with you with, at best, educated guesses as to their impact?[43:18]
- Do individuals on her team take on very specific roles and stick to going deep across all clients? Or, do they vary by project and availability? [45:15]
- How does she balance testing new ideas/tactics with clients asking for results? [47:09]
- How does she balance testing new ideas/tactics with clients asking for results? [50:28]
- Wil Reynolds- It’s easy to identify leaders who are vocal, but for those of you in larger orgs how do you identify the quieter leaders? [53:38]
- If you were working with a startup client seeking to compete with any of these bigger clients you have like etc., in search, how would you go about it? [56:05]
- I always struggled developing good task completers and process followers in to free thinking strategists that could lead fortune 500 accounts. How do you turn raw, promising talent into SEO leaders/strategists? [59:24]
- Where to find Heather online [1:01:50]
- How do you prioritize SEO work amongst other dev work? When x, y and z are broken (tech debt etc.) how do you work out where to start? [40:55]
Tools Mentioned
- Buzzsumo- https://buzzsumo.com/
Articles, Resources, and Links Mentioned
- HYPERGROWTH 2018- https://hypergrowth.drift.com/
- INBOUND 2018- https://www.inbound.com/
- MozCon 2019- https://moz.com/mozcon
- TEDWomen- https://www.ted.com/attend/conferences/special-events/tedwomen
- brightonSEO- https://www.brightonseo.com/
- Searchlove San Diego- https://www.distilled.net/events/searchlove-sandiego/
- VML- https://www.vml.com/
- Twitter Questions- 1st set https://twitter.com/dan_shure/status/1025423406186078208
- Twitter Questions- 2nd set- https://twitter.com/dan_shure/status/1026622298898481153
- AMP Project- https://www.ampproject.org/
- Wil Reynolds Tweet – https://twitter.com/wilreynolds/status/1026798090790084613
- Google Search Quality General Guidelines- https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/www.google.com/en//insidesearch/howsearchworks/assets/searchqualityevaluatorguidelines.pdf
Watch The Bonus Interview on The SEO Maturity Model!
Find Heather Online
September 9, 2018
Great interview Dan. Never really thought about using a story in a sales pitch to an SEO client before… I’m not much of a storyteller, but I think I might have to try it. After all, everyone loves stories.
September 10, 2018
Dan Shure
Agreed! I’m not a natural myself, but definitely will be trying it1