You may not know this, but when Tim Ferriss was launching his enormously successful Podcast, my guest today was one of just a few veteran podcasters Tim reached out to ask for advise.

That makes sense.

John’s show, EOFire, receives over 1.5 million monthly listens (and Tim’s show has crossed over 100 million downloads total).

I was lucky to grab 20 minutes of John’s time to have as a guest on Experts.

Whether you’re launching something or not, he’s going to tell you all about two platforms that hold massive opportunity in the marketing landscape, that many people have not caught onto yet (or executed on very well).


Stick around after the interview where I will tell you exactly how to enter the contest to win a free copy of the mastery journal!

John Lee Dumas is the host of EOFire, an award winning Podcast where he interviews today’s most successful Entrepreneurs 7-days a week. JLD has grown EOFire into a multi-million dollar a year business with over 1500 interviews and 1.5 million monthly listens. He’s the author of The Freedom Journal and The Mastery Journal, two of the most funded publishing campaigns of all time on Kickstarter. All the magic happens at!

Listen now! Make sure to stick around through the end to find out how to enter the contest to win a free copy of The Mastery Journal!

And don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes!






  • iTunes ‘secret sauce’?
  • “Treat your podcast like a real business.”
  • “Trying to overanalyze it is a mistake.”

Facebook Groups

  • “Use the search bar in Facebook and find specific groups related to … “
  • “Spend five minutes … “

Asking for Reviews

  • “It’s important to be willing and able to ask BUT it has to be done in the right manner.”
  • “It’s the reason I have over 2,400 reviews on iTunes.”

Memorable Guests

  • “Someone who is willing and able to tell a story… “


  • “It’s a psychology play and not many understand how or why … “
  • Comprising a pledge goal
  • “Don’t make it a low number that’s easy to get to.”

Amazon Ads

  • “No one is doing it and no one gets it.”
  • “They use a different metric … “

Mastery Journal

  • “I have three mighty strengths … “
  • “Oftentimes people are busy but not necessarily productive.”
  • “You’ll get more done in one day than you used to get done in one week.”

Price Is Right?

  • “I played a putting game for a car … “
About Dan Shure

Hi! I'm Dan Shure. I write all of the posts and host all of the podcast episodes you'll find on the Evolving SEO blog. Say hello on Twitter @dan_shure!


  • February 20, 2017 Reply

    Dan Shure

    Hey Everyone! As I mentioned in this episode, TWO lucky commenters on this episode will win a copy of The Mastery Journal. I’m going to give it one week from today, so the contest will end on 2/27/2017 (lots of 7’s there) at 11:59pm EST.

    Leave a comment letting me know something you took away from this or any episode, and even better, anything you’ve implemented that you’ve learned from Experts On The Wire.

    Winners will be chosen at random!

  • February 20, 2017 Reply


    “Your twitter posts are worthless, give me your whole mailing list!”. Hope you don’t share your email list willy nilly, thats just not right… I don’t give up my email address to just anyone 🙂

    I am like 6 episodes deep and always take away something. . Even with this paid episode: Amazon ads, very interesting.

    Things I’ve learned and used.

    1. Few heavy hitters on the show talk about making datasets visual.
    2. I remember some dude recommending the book permission marketing, almost done reading that. “permission can be cancelled at any time” dont share my email 🙂
    3. Bing Webmaster tools actually shows result counts.
    4. Google correlate graph hack and to see questions, awesome!

    If I keep listening to your show, ill be able to afford SEMrush, but you certainly convinced me the get an account. My plan is to actually drive some traffic to my client site, then have him pay for it 😛

    Thanks for the show, I always try to respond with something to show my thanks for the taking to time to inform me for free. It’s the least I can do. Once your Tim Ferris popular you wont see much of me anymore.

    Keep em coming man!

    • February 20, 2017 Reply

      Dan Shure

      Hey Raphael! Yes thanks for stopping in, I read and reply to all of your comments 🙂 My plan is to always notice and interact with everyone, I appreciate all of the comments and feedback 🙂

      That’s great you’ll be using SEMrush! If you didn’t sign up already, this link will give you 15 days free:

      You have a good memory, and are putting things into action! Awesome, that brings the most fulfillment over everything else – to see people implementing!

  • February 21, 2017 Reply

    John Lee Dumas

    Thanks for the opportunity to share Dan, you ROCK!

    • February 21, 2017 Reply

      Dan Shure

      John – my pleasure! Looking forward to being on EOFire soon 🙂

  • February 21, 2017 Reply


    Dan, this is another tremendous interview – your podcast is one of my favorites (you already know that). My main takeaway from all your interviews – the one I’ve been diligently practicing in my professional (and personal) life with great success – is not to get silo’ed. Yes, there’s a place for the deep expertise on certain subjects but it’s wise to maintain an open mind and cross-pollinate ideas across marketing specializations and even industries to achieve ‘out of ballpark’ results. And always asking for help and advice form other people on your team and your marketing peers. Things you can learn by just asking – exactly they way you do it. Thanks!

    • February 21, 2017 Reply

      Dan Shure

      Hi Irina! Yes, thanks for stopping by! That’s right, getting stuck in one thing can have it’s disadvantages. Especially in digital marketing. It’s so helpful to be aware of everything else going on, and often that’s where great insights can come from! (Cross discipline) 🙂

      I love hearing some people implementing super specific things but then others like yourself taking a broad idea and applying it.

  • February 24, 2017 Reply


    Hey Dan.

    I “accidentally” found your podcast around ep.50 and I find it so insightful and easy to digest that I have scrolled all the way down and started on ep, 1 upwards (am I up to listen every single one).

    2 key takeaways (among hundreds):

    1 – I have found in this marketing/self-promotion world a lot of monkey-see-monkey-do so, the experts start looking a lot like each other. Same tone, same messaging, same enthusiasm, same “aha moments”, same techniques. I really found refreshing some of your guests who bring authenticity to the table. (In particular the interview with Sol Orwell).
    Some hate it some love it some are impartial but this is really what creates the differentiation.

    2 – On the ep with John Lee Dumas, I found interesting, and somehow inspiring, the approach to find new ways and new platforms for promotion. It can be a big flop or a success under construction.
    Also, get to know new metrics (CPC VS AOS) and concepts.

    And as a final note, the fact you acknowledge your heating clicks and claks brings the reality I appreciate.

    So keep it up!



    • February 24, 2017 Reply

      Dan Shure

      Hi Ricardo!

      Do you recall where you accidentally found it? That’s so awesome you started back at the beginning! Hopefully the episodes get better as I get better at interviewing 🙂

      Yes! That’s so right, I love hearing from people like Sol who are doing things their own way.

      “Success under construction” I like that.

      Those pipes! So annoying, but yeah have to mention them – since a ‘picture is worth a thousand words’ here’s a historic photo of the building my offic eis in (the water is no longer there)

      The heating system is super old 🙂

      • February 24, 2017 Reply


        Hi Dan.

        I believe your podcast was mentioned on “Six Pixels of Separation”. I said “by accident” as I was doing something else and the name just made an impression in my mind then later I searched for it in the iOS podcast app.

        Great pic of the building! it indeed looks old (or a classic if you prefer 🙂 ).

        I can understand certain nuances on your way of interviewing depending on the guest (for those with very short answers or with very long abstract wanderings) but, above all, great work!

        • February 24, 2017 Reply

          Dan Shure


          Ahh thanks! Sometimes it’s tough to know where people find the show 🙂

          Thank you so much, glad you stopped by and said hello!

          • February 24, 2017

            Ricardo Muacho

            Thumbs up!

            Thank you for your show and for making the “questions that the audience might have” your main north star.

  • February 27, 2017 Reply


    Found your show through Sol Orwell and came back to it for Brian Dean 😉

    Brian’s interview had the most useful nugget so far: using habit building/behavioral psychology for your own marketing techniques such as regular broadcast email sending. Also useful if you help other people with that.

    I’m doing research on (health) behavior change (most effective models and theories) and I completely overlooked this use so far. Will also apply other techniques to build more useful behavior. There are a bunch of strategies that make regular marketing easier and more rewarding, just like changing your exercise behavior. Thanks 🙂

    • February 27, 2017 Reply

      Dan Shure

      Hey Dominik

      Awesome, glad you found the show! Isn’t it interesting how behavior change and marketing have more in common than people realize? It really all does come back to communication and psychology 🙂

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