Hi friends of the Worcester, MA area!

Just like to quickly announce a FREE search engine optimization and website clinic at my office here in Holden, MA. This event will be perfect for small to medium business owners, whether you have a physical location or you’re a web-only business. It will be geared both towards businesses that have a website, or might be developing a website in the near future. As well as answering questions, I’ll touch upon the following:

  • Some of the common mistakes when first making your business website.
  • Basic search engine optimization concepts, to help potential customers find you when searching what what you offer.
  • Ways you can make your website more effective at converting searchers into customers.
  • The importance of your Google Places page.
  • Depending on time, I will give FREE website reviews to business owners in attendance.


Wednesday August 24th
800 Main St Holden, MA (The “Pink Building”, above the UPS store)

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Registration appreciated by emailing dan@evolvingseo.com or calling 508-963-4413

I’ve been helping businesses online since 2007, and take tremendous pride in sharing the most current and correct info when it comes to SEO. There’s so much information out there, from facebook to google maps to blogging – and as a business owner myself, I know you’re going to get advise from all kinds of people: customers, relatives, even your Grandmother. Its hard to know what to do given all this information. I’m here to help you decipher all the information you hear day to day and hopefully clarify what having an online presence and SEO are all about. I really hope you can join me August 24th!

Remember, you can email me at dan@evolvingseo.com or call 508-963-4413 to register, or you can just show up!

About Dan Shure

Hi! I'm Dan Shure. I write all of the posts and host all of the podcast episodes you'll find on the Evolving SEO blog. Say hello on Twitter @dan_shure!

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